Tuesday, April 22, 2014



Falmouth, Cornwall, UK, March 29-April 4, 2014

“Fantastic,” “Amazing,” “How does he do that?” NOTE: An English accent adds the correct cadence to this….now, read it again. See? The mundane is elevated to a new level…why does an English accent do that??

We were at the informal inauguration of the Gorton Studio in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK; a preface to Gary’s week-long Boot Camp/Master Class in Special Effects MakeUp. Neill Gorton was doing an old-age demo and the invitees were makeup artists, wanna-be makeup artists, community members, spouses (that would be me), and friends.

The energy was a combination of laid-back informality (help yourself to a sandwich or a glass of wine), awe-struckedness (is that a word?)—BAFTA awards on the wall --, awkward-wanting-to-connect-but-not-be-too-eager-ness, and egoism (be real, this was a room full of artists). But, of course, the main attraction was Neill. (for a full bio of Neill's work, go to GortonStudio.co.uk or Millenniumfx.co.uk/ --both his companies-- worth a read!)

Neill doing an old-age makeup
(in red)--notice the intense looks!

more rapt-ness
Neill and his wife, Lisa, are lovely people--gracious, generous, kind and consummate professionals.  I've always thought the people with whom one surrounds him/herself reflects basic, essential character...and the people who work closely with Neill and Lisa--Danny, Hazel, Anthony--are talented, hard-working, gracious, generous professionals.  And Gary got to spend a week in this rarified company---Makeup Heaven!!
Which takes us to London, April 5 and 6, to the United Makeup Artists Expo--Gary was scheduled to do two makeup demos (if you're following him on FB, you've got the whole scoop!) and it was fascinating to be on the outside looking in....Reflected Glory
Gary attracting a crowd

Makeup #1: Zombie--
model, Toby

Toby in full-on makeup

Makeup #2--Demon
Model Skye sans makeup
first prosthetic piece applied
(Large prosthetic pieces sponsored by Neill Gorton)

Large pieces on
2nd prosthetic piece

plus horns

finished Demon Makeup

I had fun bein' the wife (and official Gary photographer):  I got to be in on the process (Gary making the hairpiece the night before), I got to watch both makeups come to fruition (from concept to reality), I got to relish his success, I got to meet a bunch of interesting people, I got to stay outside of the hustle and bustle while all-the-while being firmly on the inside.  Gary's reflected glory rubbed off on me---

So when I began this blog entry, I was critical, nay dismissive and disdainful, of this thing called Reflected Glory; I felt above it, better than it, beyond it...and when I honestly tried to put words to feelings, I was blocked.  I was conflicted.  I wanted to be above it and beyond it, but in this modern world people are attracted to people who are successful.  For oh-so-many reasons.

So I embrace it.  I enjoy having successful people in my life.  I like being a part of something bigger than me.  I like being in worlds larger than mine.  And I know I'm not alone....I'm just luckier than most.

Gary and his Demon, Neill with his Flying Monkey
the week began and ended with Neill
Eat Well, Travel Often



  1. So Gary's making these people look like ugly monsters but what I'd like to know is if he can make me look like Don Juan and if so where do I sign up? Awaiting the word, Pietro Piccolo

  2. Gracious, generous, kind, professional-you use those words to describe others, Pat, but they also fit you perfectly, for your acceptance of reflected glory and basking in Gary's limelight demonstrates all of the above.
    Re. Pietro Piccolo's comment, I'll get in line, too, Gary, if you can make me look like Sophie Marceau! :-)
    Love, Lynne
