I Caduti means The Fallen
Here in Italy every town, every village, every burg, every city has a monument to their caduti, honoring those lost in wars. The monuments are in the center of town, well-landscaped, mostly well-cared for, and works of art. I've been taking photos of these monuments for 7 months now, and I wanted to share some of them with you.
They are a patriotic gesture that honors these young people and their families; they are a daily nudge to REMEMBER--War has a price and makes an idelible mark.
This is my paean to The Fallen of Italy.

Thank you for that "nudge to remember". "Les Monuments aux Morts" are also present in every French village and it's so poignant to see the last names representing the young of an entire generation wiped out, especially after La Guerre de 14-18. Although a daily reminder of the horror of war, they are also officially honored every year on Armistice Day, for WWI was so horrific that it was thought to be the war to end all wars.