Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Question #1:

(If you read this, it will quickly become apparent what whimps and whooses Gary and I are...if you'd like to maintain the image of us as intrepid travelers, jump ahead to Question #2.)

"Eeeek" quickly became our shorthand for "Watch-the-fuck-out" in our attempt to navigate Cyprus while driving on the LEFT side of the road.  There are, of course, many combinations and permutations of "eeek."
**For example, one small, sotto voce "eeeek" means there's a person about the cross the street that you're not going to see because you're looking the WRONG way.
**A double "eeeek" accompanied by a pointing to the left means there's a car parked on the street that will be hit if YOU DON'T MOVE TO THE RIGHT.
**A quick intake of breath, coupled with several "eeeks" means there are cars headed right for us and we are certain to die within the next 2 minutes of you don't HIT THE GAS NOW!!!
**But my favorite, one I used more than any other, is multiple "eeeks" building in speed and volume...Imagine:  "eeeek, eeeek, eeeEEK, eeeEEKKK, EEEEKKKKK."  This means, of course, you're going to rear end that car if you don't SLOW THE FUCK DOWN--NOW.

Obviously, we made it out of Cyprus alive...but it was with great relief to have the driver take us to the airport.  People learn to drive on the "wrong" side of the road, it happens every day, they establish new patterns and habits, and it's seamless....just not for us.

I was reminded of when I moved to LA with my family and we were introduced to the freeway system.  My Dad was officially freaked out...so, when we all got in the car, an announcement was made, "we're getting on the FREEWAY," and it was understood we had to sit down and shut up so he could navigate the speed and traffic.  So my sister, brother, and I would sit very still and very quietly in the back seat until we reached our destination.  Image a stair step of  three heads frozen, looking forward, afraid to move.  After about 2 weeks we could no longer resist the prodding and teasing and talking necessary while in the back seat; Dad just had to adjust.

In our discussions about what truly defines "adventure," Gary asserts it's the adrenaline of a new situation and the challenge to overcome it.  I'd just like less "eeeks."

 From our terrace, the Mediterranean greeted us every morning.
And to the right, the Byzantine Castle, St. Hilarion, shadowed over us...St. Hilarion has since been renamed "Gary's Castle" because he climbed all the way to the top while I drank tea!  There is the castle at the top of the mountain...it's said this was Walt Disney's inspiration for Sleeping Beauty's Castle!!
Question #2:

The reason we decided to go to Cyprus was to visit Othello's Castle...Shakespeare's play takes place in Famagusta, a port city in Northern Cyprus--(now a ghost town...a creepy other story)--and there is a famous castle named for Othello.  So, Tuesday morning we took off for Famagusta, amid "eeeks" and excitement, only to be told upon our arrtival--wait for it-- the castle is under renovation!  Wouldn't you know it??

We saw lots of cool stuff in Famagusta, but not my castle!

Henceforth, we plan to make no plans....

 We stayed in Karmi Village in North Cyprus...this is the church and an interesting guy.  Abandoned by the Greeks in 1974, the Tourism Board of Turkey thought to sell the abandoned properties to expats, mostly British, who have lovingly restored the village using only local goods and services and retaining the original structures.  There is a great restaurant, Levant, and a lovely neighborhood pub, The Crow's Nest.  Food, views, drinks, stories, companionship...great place to stay!

WAIL, WAIL, WAIL---DO MY WAILS CARRY ACROSS THE SEA???   I went to a local hairdresser here and she demolished my hair....I find I'm terribly sensitive about how I'm looking and aging, so to have my hair butchered has not helped, but, this does lead to my next question:

Question #3:

I remember how my Mom refused to have her picture taken in the morning.  And on those occasions where we brandished a camera, she always deflected it.  Does this ring any familiar bells with anyone else??

One beautiful morning in Cyprus, Gary thought he'd capture the glory of morning and brandished a camera in my face....the result??  A carbon copy of all the pictures of my Mom deflecting the eye of the camera.  Wanna see it??  Are ya sure??   Really, truly ready??


keep scrolling down

prepare yourself.....

weird, huh??  It's my Mom!!

and this is me!!

Every time Gary and I travel we have the opportunity to meet people, experience other cultures, and step outside our comfort zone, which leads to grand adventures and greater understandings...thank you for sharing our "eeeks" and plans and shocks of recognition!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Aside from the envy you must be feeling for the very attractive outfit I'm wearing, LOOK AT THAT SNOW....see how deep it is??  I could say I singlehandedly shovelled the entire driveway pictured, but that would be a lie...I was much more concerned about my outfit! 

If you squint, you can see the house at the end of drive; next to the house is our little Fiat Panda, which was buried completely under the snow.  So, it becomes clear why shovelling was necessary....

But we're Southern California people, we don't know anything about snow or how to shovel it or how to drive in it or...anything.  Ahhh, our part of Italy imparts lesson after lesson after lesson!
                            But what a beautiful lesson...as long as you've got a shovel and warm clothes.
                                                  (Picture by David McIntyre, new friend)

We've been back in Italy a month and spent the first two weeks making sure everything worked....  we've got heat and snow tires and new phones and working internet and a new IKEA kitchen coming...life is good! 

30 years ago I worked with a lovely woman, Sherri Johnson, who happens to live in Florence.  So we embarked on a weekend visit--to reacquaint ourselves and compare "living in Italy" experiences. 
Sherri and her husband, Curly, opened their home and their arms to us--once I got over the fact I have indeed aged over the last 30 years---we settled in and found people who are simpatici--of like minds and hearts.

Sherri said it best,  "Friends seem more important here--maybe because we have time to spend with friends, maybe because it is comfortable to be with people who share similar interests and backgrounds, or maybe it's because we'd be friends with you even if was the first time we met--I think we all felt a connection and it feels good!"

And then being in beautiful Florence--what 's not to love? 

*  We are paying the equivalent of $10/gallon for gas---yep, you read that correctly, $10!!!  It gives us pause every time we get in the car---but I refuse to let that stymie my explorations!

*  I found a yoga class--taught in Italian, thank you very much--that I have begun.  It's a challenge, but it brings me closer to the community in which we live...and if we live here, I'd like to be part of the community.

*  We've joined a gym--no English spoken there, either--but ya know, sweat is sweat in any language and the tread mill works the same way.

*  We're visiting Cyprus next week to see Othello's Castle...and anything else the island has to offer.

Nature, Fate, Community, Politics have shaped our lives this past month...I am anxious to see what the next months hold for us!