Tuesday, April 26, 2011



MINE, MINE, MINE (actually, ours, ours, ours)...
we are the proud owners of OUR OWN Italian car...no more rentals!!

3 1/2 months of Italian bureaucracy and rental cars and we are now "legal"... we've got all the documents we need to buy a car!  Whew!!

Gary, me, and our friend, Filipo Nibbi (a very famous Italian poet and 
actor) in front of a blooming apricot?, plum?, cherry?  tree in the hills outside of Bologna...it was a lovely spring day!

a view of the loggia in our main piazza...note the banner with the Pope's picture on it...it's an Easter greeting.

If you look to the left, seated at the table, you can see that husband of mine, drinking a compari!!

white chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate...almost too beautiful to eat!

okay, I know everything grows wild somewhere,
but I was surprised to see wild irises among
the weeds on the side of the road!
Cousins Rino and Tina ooo-ing and
ahhing over this egg!!
This is my favorite pink tree...

Sooooo, nature, spring, chocolate, Tina & Rino, compari,  pink trees, blue flowers, and
a car...a few of my favorite things!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Okay, how many of you remember a television series, Green Acres, with Eva Gabor and Eddie Albert, 1965-1971??  Raise your hands.  (I know you're dating yourself a little here--and I certainly am--but it gives you a frame of reference!)  Here's a picture to jog your memory:

Now, insert faces of Pat and Gary---
and the saga begins...tame the land, work the machines, trim the trees, plant the flowers.  (To my gardening friends, Lynne, Jamie, Angela, Pam, I don't understand your passion, but I absolutely respect it!)

With Spring springing, the weeds have run amuck--by amuck I mean knee-to-waist high.  A thick mass of unkempt greenery covered our front yard.  Time to get the weed wacker out.  With manual in hand, we started it, Gary put on the protective gear--white suit, gloves, goggles--and began.  I watched.  (Those of you who know anything about gardening know that the weed wacker, henceforth called WW, can only TRIM weeds that long.)  With much swearing and weeds flying and dodging of stone, the tops of the weeds came off.  And we quit for the day.

Next day:  we decided to use a bigger blade, not the skinny orange plastic thingies, for the WW, to get to the bottom of the weeds.  Enter the neighbors:  farmers, gardeners, raisers of living things, they asked, ever-so-politely, what were we planning to do with that muther of a blade???  When told of our plans, again, ever-so-politely, they told us that blade was better used for tree branches, not weeds.  Would we like him, Silvano, to finish up the trimming for us?  It would only take five minutes and he'd be happy to do it.  Hell YES!!!

We can only imagine the conversation they had a lunch:  Did you see the blade the Americans were going to use for the weeds?  Don't they know they could take out a window with a flying stone from that blade?  Break an ankle?  Flatten a tire?  Blind himself??  And it took Silvano only TEN MINUTES to finish the job. 

I don't like gardening.  I don't like to get dirt under my fingenails.  My manicure goes to hell when I work in the garden.  BUT, I love a pretty garden.  I love a neatly manicured lawn, pretty flowers, colorful plants, rich, green trees.  Usually we hire a gardener to do the job...this year we vowed to embrace country life and do it ourselves.  (enter:  Eva and Eddie) 

Sidebar:  I just got up to get a glass of water--2 AM here--and saw a 3" scorpion on the wall.  Oh yeah, I'm embracin' country life...I only squealed once.  He is no longer with us.

Also, I don't like to ask for help.  I can read a manual and research when to plant a seed and how much to water a geranium.  I assume I can figure out how to trim the weeds and plant the plants...not true.  It is a humbling experience to be unable to do something so apparently simple.

We now have a master plan to tame the land in front of the house--our bosco, forest, will have to wait another year--we're putting gravel down and planting all trees and plants in manageable pots, thereby limiting our gardening excesses.  We will have the pretty flowers and trees with  minimum gardening work, we hope.

 Eva and Eddie will live to face another day of uncharted life in the country!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We live in a Catholic country and are not Catholic.  We live in a country greatly impacted by and angry about illegal immigration; we have California roots and embrace diversity.  We are welcomed into the homes of family members who are really strangers.

I always thought Carnival was reserved for Rio and New Orleans--with wild, outlandish costumes and behavior to match.  I was surprised to discover a Carnival celebration in the centro storico of every village, burg, town, city in Italy--and they range from parades to parties to feasts with costumes and floats and lots and lots of food!  The feste generated by the Catholic Church are many and varied--a Saint's Day or holy season--there's an excuse for a party or a day off or a celebration every other week!  Do you know there's a festa the day after Easter called Pasquetta?  yep, people take the day off (not so much any more) and go out to the country and have a picnic and enjoy the fine weather.

The feste, of course, are not limited to religious celebrations.  Gary and I went out for pizza on March 8 and found the pizzeria filled with women, only women, at long tables having a great time.  There were the matriarchs, the Italian mamas, the working women, the young girls, all enjoying pizza and each other.  I assumed (you know what that makes me) this was related to Carnival because it was the day before Lent began; but nooooooo, it was Festa delle Donne, Festival of the Women, a national day celebrating the emancipation of women.  Who knew???  The women knew.

And then there was the March 17th celebration the Unification of Italy, 150 years.  It was a festa  day---4th of July on St. Patrick's Day---so it was an imposed day off for the laborers, they didn't get paid and were not very happy.  But the celebration was on, then off, then on, then off again, then, finally on....the country was to celebrate with--hot dogs and corn-on-the-cob?--speeches and food.  The North didn't participate because they are mad at the state, the rest of the country sporadically participated.  Mostly, it was a day off.

Life in Italy whirls around us; everybody knows when there's a Saint's Day or a National festa, except us.  We always find out by accident...we're living in a vacuum of ignorance.  So we read every sign we see and scour the public announcements so as not to be taken unaware....

Lampedusa is the center of the news here in Italy.  All the refugees from Tunisia are fleeing to Italy; once they get to Lampedusa, there is no water or food or sanitation, and the Senate is trying to pass a law that will outlaw their entrance into the country; a military, mandatory evacuation of 1500 refugees occured last week.  There is also a proposition on the floor of the Italian Senate to pay refugees to return to their homelands...of course, what's to stop them from returning and collecting more money to return home???

The Italians are angry.  They love their country and the life they've forged.  They don't want desperate illegals using their resources and abusing their land.  There is not enough work for the children of Italy; college graduates have to leave the country to find work--I have two cousins who fit into this category--why should native sons and daughters lose work to refugees???  The face of Italy is changing with the face of the world; the people I've spoken to are outraged and feeling helpless.

This is counter-intuitive to what we in America, and California specifically, have always believed--that the richness of many cultures enriches the one, larger culture.  Different traditions, food, interactions, languages, philosophies, religions feed the larger community--or so we believe.

Political life in Italy--from dealing with the refugees to dealing with Berlusconi--whirls around us with passion and intensity.  We watch, we listen, we try to understand.

Ahhh, family...an amazing phenomenon in this country.  My cousins, many whom I've not seen in years, open their homes and hearts to us.  Others we see once a year, and yet, that tie is iron-strong...we talk of my mom and my siblings and the nephews and nieces, their kids and work and homes---but in the middle of it all, I stop and realize these people, who I really don't know at all, share my grandfather.  We're family.  My Zio Gino is Cousin Rita's father--we're connected by an invisible bond.  We're family, but we're strangers.  Compounded by a language barrier, we deal with the superficial, but if we're fortunate, we delve beneath the surface and touch each other's essences.  We're family, but we're strangers.  They don't know what I read or how I think, I don't know their politics or religious bent.  But we're family.

The familial bond is a sacred trust in this country.  Family above all.  The sacrifices and generosity related to family abound---the spirit of family whirls around us as we accept their love and kindness and try to reciprocate.

Much of our life here is spent watching and listening and learning...Italian life is vital and vivacious and generous and chaotic, but it is ever-moving about us.  We sit quietly (sort of) and absorb what we can, for soon, we will move out of the eye of the storm and into the tumultousness of this Italian life.